Friday, March 26, 2010

some goodness

Just got an email from my man Mikko Ryhänen saying that he updated his website.
Mikko is represented by Kuvaamo in Helsinki, Finland. Check it out to see Mikko's commercial work.

I was assisting Mikko last summer for this shoot.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Seven Inch promo video

so, the seven inch promo video is out and looks pretty tight.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Detroit: The troubled city

Bruce Gilden's photography essay on the effects of the foreclosure crisis in America.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Digital Darkroom pt.2

Also for the same unit our brief was to create a promotional card. I decided to make a set of A6 size postcards and I think they came out quite good.

Digital Darkroom

I did a Creative Review cover mock up and a editorial piece on a group called The Outside In Creative Collective and their Project "Shop" for our uni Digital Darkroom unit.
It´s a really interesting project. Check their website out here for more info.

Oh yeah. If your wondering what the hell is up with that text, is it Finnish? No, it´s not. I did both layouts with InDesign and you can generate random text with it, if your too lazy to actually write something like I am.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Seven Inch Skateboards

Some new stuff coming from Finland. I have to say I'm pretty stoked on this company and I can't wait to work with them this summer. Rumor has it that one of my photos will be used as a board graphic. Sounds good to me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thrash People

The "Zabbaleen," or "Trash People," live at the foot of the Muqqattam Hills on Cairos east side. They collect, sort, sell, recycle, and reuse the vast majority of Cairo's refuse.
Photography by Klavs Bo Christensen

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Creative Applications & Practice, series of portraits

Series of portraits on WW II re-enactors.
A group called The First Division, also knows as The Big Red One.

I need to have 8 final images for my uni project and I now have 9. Which image do you think I shouldn't use?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

"new camera"

Got a new camera this week. It's a Polaroid 210 land camera. I've wanted to get one for ages and finally found one cheap on ebay. I had to do a bit of work on the camera since you can't get batteries for it any more, but it was worth it for sure.

Here's a couple of photos I took with the camera today.
ps. film is not dead. it just smells funny...