Thursday, December 10, 2009

take a picture, tell a story. highlight 5

Found a really interesting website today through prison photography.
Take a picture, tell a story is by Robert Gumbert, who has been documenting the criminal justice system since 1994.
On the website you can find portraits and recorded stories from his two major projects:
"Locked and Found" and "Tales of work".
Here´s a link to Nelson Yee´s story about his life and tattoos from "locked and found" project.

Nelson Yee by Robert Gumbert

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


For our Digital Imaging and Studio Practice unit, the theme was "incongruous". And this is what I came up with. Inspired by the original Planet of the apes classic ending...
It was my first time doing anything like this and I quite enjoyed it.
Landscape was shot using a Toyo 5x4 field camera. For the final landscape image, I used to different images from the same location and photographed the statue and person in the studio.
And everything was put together in Photoshop.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Grainy fridays, highlight 4

Just finished watching Alien Workshop´s Mind Field video.
Haven´t seen it in a while and it blew my mind, again. such good skating.
I really like how Alien Workshop stay true to their unique artsy style; really grainy super 8 footage and all the weird stuff as well.

Here´s Arto´s part from the video:

And if you didn´t know, Arto knows how to take photographs.

Yeah, I miss skate photography. Haven´t had the chance to take any skate photos in months...

Here´s some photos from last summer. since it´s grainy fridays it´s all b&w.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photography highlight of the week, week 3

Just finished watching a documentary that I found on youtube. It´s called American Masters, Richard Avedon : Darkness And Light.

I found the documentary highly inspirational. It made me realize how much I enjoy photographing portraits and that should be doing it more. Not just portraits, but photography in general on a daily basis.
This documentary definitely gave my week an amazing kick start unlike anything else in months.
Well, maybe the fact that Richard Avedon is one my favorite photographers might have something to do with it, but I haven´t felt this inspired in a while...

Richard Avedon self portrait

Ronald Fischer, beekeeper, Davis, California, May 9, 1981

Here are the links to each part of the documentary on youtube. enjoy...